There are several ways you can Partner with FOCUSED Ministries, Inc.
You can contribute to our GirlsFOCUSED - BoysFOCUSED Project through GoFundMe
You can Partner with us in Prayer.
You can donate online using Givify- Just click the button below.
You can donate online using Paypal
Choose a fixed monthly amount of $25 - $50 - $100 or choose your own monthly amount from this page- see choices below. Make sure you check the box Make This Recurring (Monthly)
We are also glad to accept one time donations.
*You can pay by either credit card or PayPal
(Processing is done by PayPal but you do not need a PayPal account)
Monthly- Choose Any Amount
Please Check- Make this Recurring
Please Check- Make this Recurring
$100 Monthly donation
Please Check- Make this Recurring
Please Check- Make this Recurring
$25 Monthly donation
Please Check- Make this Recurring
Please Check- Make this Recurring
One time donation
Any amount is appreciated
Any amount is appreciated
$50 Monthly donation
Please Check- Make this Recurring
Please Check- Make this Recurring