Our Story.


History of FOCUSED Ministries, Inc.

It all began…in a college dorm room, during a time of prayer and consecration with a dear friend.  FOCUSED is an acronym that stands for Focusing On Christ Until Spiritual Excellence is Demonstrated.  This means that when we focus our attention on Christ, we can live this life in an excellent way.  Because of the work Christ did on the cross on our behalf, we can live the way He wants us to live out our lives based on the Holy Scriptures.   Of course, this does not mean that we won’t ever have problems, it does mean that when we put our trust in Jesus Christ, He gives us the strength, the wisdom, and the courage we need to live exceptional lives.  Our vision is unconventional.  We are able to experience joy in the midst of life’s trials.  It is our faith in Jesus that drives us forward.  This is FOCUSED Ministries, Inc.

Since the birth of FOCUSED Ministries, Inc., the mission and vision has broadened.  My experience teaching kindergarten through high school, coaching basketball, working in youth ministries, and mentoring young ladies, has led me to this desire to provide girls a safe, Christ-centered residence where they will heal, grow, develop, and become the women God created them to be.  With the support and guidance of my Executive Director and the Governing Board of Directors, our mission will be accomplished.

Our Vision - Core Values - Mission


Focused ministries Core Values


Development Phases


Focused Ministries Phase 2

Focused Ministries Phase 3


